OMSI Sarl announces worldwide launch of its revolutionary haptic-inject syringe

OMSI Sàrl from Geneva, Switzerland, presented today the new haptic-inject syringe

at Arab Health in Dubai, UAE.

The OMSI haptic-inject syringe gives haptic and audible feedback each milliliter. No

over or under dosing, which is critical in emergency situations. It allows doctors,

nurses, or patients to focus on delivery instead on exact amounts to inject.

Apart from the proprietary feedback mechanism, they are standard disposable

syringes compatible with any standard needle. There is no change in manipulation or

standard of care.

Swiss innovation – made in Germany – patent protected. The syringe has been

developed to give a very slight haptic and audible feedback. Enough to count the

dosage without visual help, smooth enough for controlled handling.

Triple security: visual – haptic – audible. This allows for precise dosing, critical in

ambulatory treatment and for self-injections. Simplified hospital injections, easy oral

dosing for consumers and children, undemanding for veterinary users.

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